- Setup Discord to fully functioning condition
- Setup social accounts for Cardastacks
- Integrating socials accounts to Discord
- Finalise logo design
- Booking of web domain for Cardastacks
- Website design for Cardastacks
- Cardastacks Paper V1.0
Phase 1 (Q1-Q2 2022)
- Start Building community
- OG Roles to be filled
- Start partnerships with other NFT collections
- Release previews of the Studio, Deluxe and Penthouse rooms.
- Release activity LV rewards
- Design OG lounge - Community poll
- Release 2D floor map
- Mint OG Cards - 25th April 2022
- Mint access cards - 11th May 2022
Phase 2 (Q2-Q4 2022)
- Develop 1st person walkable experience
- Break the walls between neighbouring rooms to create large spaces.
- Continue the 3D development of interior spaces in Unity
- Continue to develop partnerships with other NFT collections to fill out collab tower and stores
- Mint 2nd phase of access keycards - 16th July 2022
- Develop a CardaStacks Token ($ STKS)
- Distribute $STKS token to holders
- Design the exterior of the tower
Phase 3 (2023)
- Start 3D development of the walkable environment
- Implement Ready Player Me (3D avatar) functionality
- Implement custom Avatar functionality
- Launch Real Estate Marketplace.
- Launch Assetstore
- Migrate website to new host
- Add STKS to DripDropz
- UI Design.
- Add multiplayer functionality.
- UI Implementation
- Implement OG-Lounge in environment
- Lobby design and implementation in environment
- Implement web3 Cardano-wallet.
Phase 4 (2024+)
- Beta Test the CardaStacks Metaverse for OGs
- Launch of the walkable environment CardaStacks Metaverse.
- Implement new STKS rewards system
- Implement Voice Chat + Text chat in (Beta) Environment
- Allow 2D NFT posters to be displayed on walls
- Implement browser/internet functionality inside environment
- Design and implement the Build tool.
- Allow 3D NFTs to be placed inside the room
- Develop and renew partnerships
- Start work on rooms rental feature
- Official Launch!
- Start building the Collaboration Tower
- Design and build the Shopping Mall
- Design and build the Rooftop Terrace
- Design and build (Event) Arena